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A major early article by Connor that emphasizes the intellectual confusion emanating from the terminological chaos surrounding descriptions and definitions of seemingly diverse, yet often similar, conceptions of national phenomena. Simulate how different MCQ and FRQ scores translate into AP scores. Press, Paul Chapman Publishing, Pine Forge Press, SAGE Reference, SAGE Science and Scolari (US and Europe websites) imprints. Well give you challenging practice questions to help you achieve mastery in AP Human Geography. In the interwar period the redrawing of the political map of Europe in part along ethnic and national lines according to a proclaimed right of peoples to self-determination, but also the rise of fascism and national-socialism (Nazism), would justify continued interest in the national question. During the Cold War the independence of former European colonies in Asia and Africa motivated research in issues of ethnic, tribal, and national identities and allegiances and the political difficulties stemming from their interactions in the context of modern territorial statehood. Geographical approaches to ethnonational questions tend to privilege the spatiality of ethnonational identities and the territoriality of ethnic and national groups and political movements. Examples of spatial factors causing devolution are Corsica for France, Sardinia for Italy, Taiwan for China, and East Timor for Indonesians. Achiume called the case of the Rohingya Muslims a "chilling example", with the Burma Citizenship Act of 1982 discriminating based on ethnicity and rendering many Rohingya stateless. They draw on the work of social and cultural geographers dedicated to issues of ethnicity and other identities as well as on the political and legal geographies of social movements, organizations, and institutions. We know that centrifugal or dividing forces cause separatism and devolution. [citation needed], Recent theories and empirical data suggest that people maintain dual lay beliefs about nationality, such that it can be both inherited biologically at birth and acquired culturally in life. Many separatist groups exist on the periphery and suffer from political and economic inequality and unequal treatment. Check out using a credit card or bank account with. Cultural boundaries usually closely follow ethnicity and can separate two or more cultural groups. The concept of nation is important to note when we discuss forces that fragment a state.

May 24, 2017, Muslim Independence Movement (Philippines),, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2021, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 14 July 2022, at 00:46. Economic forces can cause devolution as well. Your email address is only used to allow you to reset your password. Most of the policies were established in the Malaysian New Economic Policy (NEP) period. Situs la priphrie de centres ethniques plus scuriss, les rsidents de Shankill-Falls semblent tre les victimes de leur "multi-priphralit" aux plans locaux, rgionaux, et internationaux. [6]:33. The governance structure of the Soviet Union and its eventual collapse in the 1980s and 1990s and the resurgence of ethnic and national claims and conflicts in its aftermath and around the world of the postCold War era reinvigorated ethnonationalism research and scholarship in the late 20th and well into the 21st centuries. More importantly to you as a citizen of planet Earth, understanding political geography helps you to make sense of the news headlines reporting conflicts and territorial disputes on a daily basis. In Brazil, wealthier provinces of the south argue that tax money is being misspent by the government for assistance to the Amazon Forest region. [13] In the report, Achiume re-stated that international human rights law prohibits citizens from discriminating against non-citizens on the basis of their race, descent, national or ethnic origin and she also stated that citizenship, nationality, and immigration laws which discriminate against non-citizens are violations of international law. Copy this link, or click below to email it to a friend. The former Soviet Union is a classic example of devolution. You will need to know the forces that may lead to the devolution of states including physical geography, ethnic separatism, economic, and spatial factors. However, the constitution does not use the term bumiputra; it defines only "Malay" and "indigenous peoples" (Article 160(2)),[19] "natives" of Sarawak (161A(6)(a)),[20] and "natives" of Sabah (Article 161A(6) (b)). After 50 years of communist rule, centrifugal forces in the 1980s increased multiculturalism, multi-nationalism, and economic troubles. Look at the large card and try to recall what is on the other side. An overview of the meanings and manifestations of nationalism from its origins in early modern Europe to its global spread in the context of decolonization and the postCold War period. Those independent countries, however, are still experiencing the after-effects of European influence and struggle with economic and political unrest. Explicating the complex relations among the phenomena of ethnie, nation, and the state, Breton defends a view of ethnopolitics as being centered on peoples, their claims and rights, in opposition to a geopolitics centered on territorial states and their interests. In 1997, native Hawaiians demanded the return of certain rights lost during the occupation of the island nation by the United States. [12], In 2018, Tendayi Achiume, a UN Special Rapporteur on racism, released a UN Human Rights Council report which states that "more than 75% of the worlds known stateless populations belong to minority groups" and highlights the role of ethnonationalism in the international deprivation of citizenship rights. Imperialism and colonialism highlight how boundaries were superimposed and that countries with multi-ethnic populations are in conflict because of artificial boundaries forced on them by European powers. Ce conflit ethnique urbain se retrouve, son tour, en rduction, dans le quartier des Shankill-Falls de l'ouest de Belfast. SAGE Publications is an academic and professional publisher. In our examination of how Protestant and Roman Catholic residents in this small area have responded to their environment, we suggest that the idea of the frontier provides a useful explanatory model for understanding the progressive demise of mutal interactions and the increasing hostility between the two groups over the past fifteen years. Ethnic nationalism is, therefore, seen as exclusive, while civic nationalism tends to be inclusive. L'tude de la faon dont les Catholiques et les Protestants de ce petit quartier ragissent leur environnement suggre que la notion de "frontire" offre un modle explicatif utile la comprhension du relachement des liens de rciprocit et l'accroissement des tensions entre les deux groupes ethniques au cours des quinze dernires annes. This assimilation may or may not be predicated on a belief in some common ancestry with assimilated groups (for example with Germanisation in the Second World war). The link was not copied. Well give you challenging practice questions to help you achieve mastery in AP Human Geography. Japan and Lesotho are good examples of nation-states. When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. . Geographic Data, Spacial concepts, Human-Environmental interaction. A federal state gives local political units like states or provinces within that country a measure of power. The International Political Science Review (IPSR) is the quarterly journal of the International Political Science Association (IPSA). Check out our other articles on APHuman Geography.

A classic example of devolution is a group demanding more autonomy from the central government. For more information or to contact an Oxford Sales Representative click here. Londons decision to join the EU Scottish nationalism and during the 1990s, the Scottish National Party encouraged devolution. Users without a subscription are not able to see the full content on [citation needed], Some types of ethnic nationalism are firmly rooted in the idea of ethnicity as an inherited characteristic, for example black nationalism or white nationalism, often ethnic nationalism also manifests in the assimilation of minority ethnic groups into the dominant group, for example as with Italianisation. a boundary identified by physical objects placed on the landscape; can be a sign, fence, wall, etc. Lethnopolitique. Define both terms and give a geographic example for each, B. Ironically the adoption of the Euro as part of the European Union (EU) created centrifugal forces in Europe. Each on the periphery of more secure ethnic heartlands, these residents are shown to be the victims of "multiple peripherality" at local, national, and international scales. [7][8], The theorist Anthony D. Smith uses the term "ethnic nationalism" for non-Western concepts of nationalism as opposed to Western views of a nation defined by its geographical territory. a large aggregate of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory. The term ethnonationalism (or ethno-nationalism) elicits understandings and forms of nationalism that regard ethnicity and ethnic ties as core components of conceptions and experiences of the nation. [13] Even countries with proud histories of immigration have fallen prey to the vilification of "certain racial, religious and national groups" on prejudicial grounds. 277401), while Part IV touches on Violence, Genocide, Terrorism, and War (pp. Concept that ethnicities have the right to govern themselves. Edited by geographers, a quite accessible and comprehensive survey of national phenomena, approached and organized in chronological, thematic, and geographical fashions. You would need to create a new account. There was, first, the formation and management of large European multiethnic and multinational empiresprincipally the Austro-Hungarian dual monarchy, but also the Russian and Ottoman Empirestheir role as sources of conflict and their ultimate demise in the wake of World War I. A country. In the developed world, such trends have often taken on an explicitly xenophobic and racist character, as seen in the example of "white nationalism" in the United States. Oxford Bibliographies Online is available by subscription and perpetual access to institutions. Terms of Service. [4][5], The central theme of ethnic nationalists is that "nations are defined by a shared heritage, which usually includes a common language, a common faith, and a common ethnic ancestry". Nation-states describe a state comprised of a population with over 90 percent of a particular culture. Since the early 20th century, the study of ethnonationalism (or simply nationalism) has consistently been justified by the momentum of the topic at critical historical junctures. The United States is not immune to devolutionary forces. [citation needed] The outcome of this right to self-determination may vary, from calls for self-regulated administrative bodies within an already established society, to an autonomous entity separate from that society, to the institution of ethnic federalism within a multi-ethnic society, to a establishing an independent sovereign state removed from that society. 1. Make sure to remember your password. [13] Today, migrants are a frequent target of ethnonationalist rhetoric related to "ethnic purity and religious, cultural or linguistic preservation". Another ethnic minority seeking more autonomy are the Tamils in Sri Lanka. Ethnonationalism. In The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. [11], In scholarly literature, ethnic nationalism is usually contrasted with civic nationalism. Many policies focus on trying to achieve a bumiputra share of corporate equity, comprising at least 30% of the total. Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood/ABC-CLIO, 2016. This question is concerned with the political geography concepts of supra-nationalism and devolution. a boundary estazblished by a legal document such as a treaty that divides one entity from another, a boundary that is heavily guarded and discourages crossing and movement, boundaries in the water; based on UNCLOS and various rights to the waters, UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), Governs how land waters will be divided; includes Territorial Seas, Contiguous Zones, Eclusive Economic Zones, and High Seas, voting boundaries created; based on the Census, redrawing of district boudnaries so that each district contains roughly the same number of people; based on the Census, drawing the boundaries of political districts by the party or group in power to extent or cement their advantage, authority shared between the central government and provincial, state, and local governments; multiple levels of power, authority held primarily by central government with very little power given to local governments, occurs when ethnic groups and minorities are concentrated in specific regions, leading to independence movemnts, forced removal of ethnic, religious, racial, or cultural groups from an area, usually in an effort to make that area more ethnically homogenous, organized violence aimed at government and civilian targets that is intended to create fear in the furtherance of political aims, a movement to unite by people who share a language or other cultural elements, but are divided by a national boundary, people whose primary allegiance is not to their state, but to a traditional group or ethnicity, the transition toward more democratic governments, companies that conduct business on a global scale; have weakened state sovereignty and are able to move jobs from country to country, the cost advantages of conducting economic activity on a large scale, like at the transnational level, occurs when multiple states form an organization to collectively achieve greater benefits for all members, organization of 193 countries; created to address global issues such as worldwide peace and human rights, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), organization created as a defensive alliance to help the United States in the Cold War; includes states such as United States, Canada, Iceland, Western and Central European states, Turkey, organization of mostly Western and Central European states; created to ensure political and economic cooperation, organization of 8 states that each claim territory in the Arctic; promotes cooperation on Arctic issues, including indigenous people, sustainability, and environmental protection, organization of 55 African states; promotes unity and encourages economic integration, Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), organization of 10 Southeast Asian states; promotes cooperation on a number of issues, including politics and economics, political body that has disintegrated to the point that it is no longer a sovereign or functioning political entity, support for the political interests of a particular ethnic group, especially its national independence or self-determination, the fragmentation of a state or region into smaller, often hostile units along ethno-linguistic lines; usually applied specifically to the Balkan states in Europe, changing the number of representattives granted so it reflects the population; done based on the Census, Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), organization that focuses on the production or petroleum, as well as working to stabilize oil markets; includes states such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Indonexia, Venezuela, Nigeria, and Iran, LEFT ARROW - move card to the Don't know pile. For best results enter two or more search terms. The Kurds would be an example of a nation without a state of their own. A nationality that is not represented by a state. Breakup of a state (balkanization), Breakup of a state, e.g., Yugoslavia/Balkans, former U.S.S.R., Czechoslovakia, Ethiopia/Eritrea, Austria-Hungary, British India. Diaspora studies scholars extend this non-geographically bound concept of "nation" among diasporic communities, at times using the term ethnonation or ethnonationalism to describe a conceptual collective of dispersed ethnics. Ethnic nationalism, also known as ethnonationalism,[1] is a form of nationalism wherein the nation and nationality are defined in terms of ethnicity,[2][3] with emphasis on an ethnocentric (and in some cases an ethnocratic) approach to various political issues related to national affirmation of a particular ethnic group.

These challenges raise questions about the role that national governments play in the global political system in light of organizations acting out on the world stage. A nation is a nation, is a state, is an ethnic group is a . [10], During the Cold War, the independence movement initiated in former European colonies in Asia and Africa reinvigorated research into ethnic, tribal and national identities and the "political difficulties" stemming from their interactions with territorial statehood,[10] while the collapse of the Soviet Union in the 1980s and 1990s and the "resurgence of ethnic and national claims and conflicts in its aftermath" only further spurred ethnonationalism scholarship in the late 20th century. In international relations, it also leads to policies and movements for irredentism to claim a common nation based upon ethnicity,[citation needed] or for the establishment of an ethnocratic (mono-ethnocratic or poly-ethnocratic) political structure in which the state apparatus is controlled by a politically and militarily dominant ethnic nationalist group or a group of several ethnic nationalist groups from select ethnicities to further its interests, power and resources. [13] The violation of the rights of Afro-Caribbean British citizens from the "Windrush generation" is a pertinent example of similar prejudice in the developed world, but states the world over use misinformation to portray "certain racial, national and religious groups as inherent threats to national security" and justify stripping or denying rights. These organizations range from stateless terrorist groups to cultural minorities within the state, to other countries seeking to expand their political-territorial aims. Since the 2016 US presidential election, ethnonationalism has been pushed to the fore of the American political consciousness by the identity politics of Donald Trump surrounding what it means to be a "true" American, resulting in ethnocentric ideals becoming "a robust predictor of vote choice for Trump" among White Americans. Most of the worlds 200 states have multicultural populations, so there are many examples of ethno-cultural devolution. Hence, nation states with strong traditions of ethnic nationalism tend to define nationality or citizenship by jus sanguinis (the law of blood, descent from a person of that nationality), and countries with strong traditions of civic nationalism tend to define nationality or citizenship by jus soli (the law of soil, birth within the nation state). The ultimate review guides for AP subjects to help you plan and structure your prep. For broader background and context also check the separate Oxford Bibliographies in Geography articles Nations and Nationalism by Fiona Davidson and Ethnicity by Thomas Sullivan and their relevant subheadings. Ability of a state to govern its territory free from control of its internal affairs by other states. lines that define the border of a country or state, the defense of a bounded physical space against encroachment by other individuals, power used to determine who will hold government office and how the government will behave, control by a powerful country of its former colonies (or other less developed countries) by economic pressures, an area of instability between regions with opposing political and cultural values, a strategic, narrow waterway between two larger bodies of water, a former boundary line that is still discernible and marked by some cultural landscape features, a boundary that is imposed on the cultural landscape which ignores pre-existing cultural patterns (typically a colonial boundary), a boundary line that is established after the area in question has been settled and that considers the cultural characteristics of the bounded area, a boundary that existed before the cultural landscape emerged and stayed in place while people moved in to occupy the surrounding area. 2020, but also concise yet already substantive dictionary entries Connor 2007 and Keating 2011 (cited under Ethnic vs. Civic Nationalisms), for example, provide helpful overviews and presentations of the subject and pertinent related issues. Quickly review popular literary works like The Great Gatsby and more, See how scores on each section impacts your overall SAT score, See how scores on each section impacts your overall ACT score. Tauris, 2011. [21], Data from the 2016 American National Election Studies (ANES) has revealed a positive associated between ethnonationalism and anti-immigrant attitudes among Whites Americans, whose opposition to immigration is "often grounded in fears of the threat that immigration poses to the robustness of America's national identity", shaped by the belief set concerning the traits of "true" Americans. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out. Then click the card to flip it. Encyclopedic or general surveys such as Breton 1995; Herb and Kaplan 2008; Minahan 2016; or Stone, et al. New York: Routledge, 2003. If you knew the answer, click the green Know box. [13] She also noted the role of laws restricting marriage rights with respect to certain national, religious, ethnic or racial groups, which she said were "often deployed by states to preserve notions of national, ethnic and racial "purity". The notion of the modern state developed in Europe in the early eighteenth century. Access supplemental materials and multimedia. There are several challenges to the political-territorial world order dominated by national governments. With a personal account, you can read up to 100 articles each month for free. That led to several challenges to ethnic autonomy and rights. Connor, Walker. a nation or cultural group that is divided across two or more state borders. Demand for greater autonomy (requires identification of internal units or groups) e.g., UK (Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Northern Ireland), Belgium, Canada (Quebec, Nunavut, native peoples), Spain (Basques, Catalonians) Italy (Padania, Tyrol), France (Corsica), U.S. (Hawaii, native peoples), India, Pakistan. Breton, Roland. [6] Those of other ethnicities may be classified as second-class citizens. Those actors can and do affect nations sovereignty and have been dealt with in many ways, from conciliatory to harshly. See our Stone, John, Rutledge M. Dennis, Polly Rizova, and Xiaoshuo Hou, eds. You can also use your keyboard to move the cards as follows: If you are logged in to your account, this website will remember which cards you know and don't know so that they Divisive forces threaten a countrys sovereignty by dividing the country and breaking down the central government. Ethnic nationalism bases membership of the nation on descent or heredity, often articulated in terms of common blood or kinship, rather than on political membership. Quickly review popular literary works like, Relinquishing of autonomy to internal units, Process whereby regions within a state demand and gain political strength and growing autonomy at the expense of the central government. In turn, this urban encapsulation of the ethnonational conflict exists in microcosm in the Shankill-Falls area of west Belfast. [9], The study of ethnonationalism emerged in the early 20th century in the interwar period between WWI and WWII, with the "redrawing of the political map of Europe in part along ethnic and national lines according to a proclaimed right of peoples to self-determination, but also the rise of fascism and national-socialism (Nazism)". To access this article, please, Access everything in the JPASS collection, Download up to 10 article PDFs to save and keep, Download up to 120 article PDFs to save and keep. "[13] Achiume called ethnonationalist politics the "most obvious driver of racial discrimination in citizenship and immigration laws" and driven by populist leaders defining nations "in terms of assumed blood ties and ethnicity". A. It is committed to publishing material that makes a significant contribution to international political science. Our planet is divided into political units called countries or states. In Spain, in 1979, Basque and Catalonia signed autonomy agreements where they have their own parliaments, their languages have official status, and they have control over education and taxation. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1995. It seeks to meet the needs of political scientists throughout the world who are interested in studying political phenomena in the contemporary context of increasing international interdependence and global change.