ora-16089: archive log has already been registered

This can be generated by the Oracle Database when running any Oracle program. The associated archive log destination has been disabled. Cause:The transaction being committed at the given SCN is being prepared for apply. ALTER DATABASE COMMIT TO SWITCHOVER TO LOGICAL STANDBY; ALTER DATABASE START LOGICAL STANDBY APPLY NEW PRIMARY dblink; Cause:Log data from previous primary could not be completely applied. The database can then be opened for read-only access. Action:Specify a standby archive log destination in the initialization parameter file. Cause:The control file enqueue is currently unavailable. If the initialization parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_CONFIG does not define a DG_CONFIG, this mismatch may be due to a standby database having been restarted recently. deploy grid computing techniques. Cause:The specified DB_UNIQUE_NAME is not in the Data Guard Configuration. Then, change the value of parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_MIN_SUCCEED_DEST. Action:Register the first log file following the backup from which this database was generated. Action:Create a LogMiner session and restart the apply engine. Cause:This process is waiting for additional memory before continuing. var UPLOAD_SUCCEED_MESSAGE = ''; Cause:The LGWR network server could not attach to remote host, Action:The alert log contains more problem-specific information, Cause:The LGWR network server could not detach from remote host, Cause:The LGWR lost its connection to the network server, Cause:The LGWR network server could not communicate with the remote host, Cause:The LGWR network server could not switch to non-blocking mode, Cause:The LGWR network server could not switch to blocking mode. Action: Use the V$ARCHIVED_LOG fixed view to verify the archive log information. Cause:The number of archive log destinations that could be used was less than the LOG_ARCHIVE_MIN_SUCCEED_DEST parameter value. Cause:The indicated archived log file is not available for recovery due to the fact that it is still being archived. (Because, this Primary Side control file has the information of the SCN and we have to perform the recovery using this controlfile). Action:Use the V$ARCHIVED_LOG fixed view to verify the archive log information. Cause:The primary database or fetch archive log (FAL) server was not found in the Data Guard configuration of the standby database.

var UPLOAD_ANT_UPLOAD_MESSAGE = ''; Action:Ensure that all instances use the exact same LOG_ARCHIVE_CONFIG settings. .upload-succeed{background: #6DB227} Cause:Both the REMOTE_ARCHIVE_ENABLE and LOG_ARCHIVE_CONFIG parameters are defined in the initialization file and they are mutually exclusive. Cause:DB_UNIQUE_NAME attribute was not specified.

Cause:The LOG_ARCHIVE_CONFIG parameter was specified with duplicate, conflicting or invalid attributes. Cause:An error occurred during activation of the standby database following a Terminal Recovery. Action:The parent archive log destination cannot be dependent on another archive log destination. Action:Perform the necessary recovery and reopen for read-only access. Cause:A standby database destination was specified that was not accessed by another instance. The list of valid DB_UNIQUE_NAMEs can be seen with the V$DATAGUARD_CONFIG view. e.preventDefault(); Turfybot 2013 | Oracle DB | Oracle Error Messages | Error messages for Oracle SQL | Oracle SQL and PLSQL | Oracle Express | ODBC | PL/SQL Developer, OCP: Oracle Database 12c Administrator Certified Professional Study Guide - $59.99, Oracle Database 11g The Complete Reference (Oracle Press), Oracle Database 11g Release 2 Performance Tuning Tips & Techniques (Oracle Press), OCA Oracle Database SQL Certified Expert Exam Guide (Exam 1Z0-047) (Oracle Press). Otherwise, perform the necessary recovery and reopen for read-only access. Action:Verify that archive log destinations are specified or take the necessary step to correct any errors that may have occurred. Cause:The number of server processes available for Logical Standby is currently limited to 1024 LogMiner processes and 1024 apply processes or a total of 2048. Use the V$ARCHIVED_LOG fixed view to verify the archive log information. If specified, the REGISTER file name template string must indicate an O/S-specific file path name including thread and log sequence number substitution directives (%t, %T, %s, %S). notice.style.display = "block"; Action:Ensure that no redo transport destination is dependent on any destination that is dependent on it. This book contains everything you need to master SQL. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Action:Correct the value for the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameter. pasteimage.show_paste_tip(UPLOAD_NOT_ALLOW_MESSAGE, progressbar); Action:More specific messages will accompany this message. Cause:Fetch archive log (FAL) server rejected a redo gap fetch request from the client. Use this below command to find the SCN difference, on both the database Primary DB & Standby DB. Cause:The THROUGH LAST SWITCHOVER clause of the ALTER DATABASE RECOVER MANAGED STANDBY DATABASE was specified and the database has been recovered to the most recent End-Of-Redo marker. You find this article relevant? This error can occur when setting a non-NULL value with the ALTER SYSTEM command. ORA-42295: schema synonym name conflicts with another user, role or schema, ORA-42293: user name conflicts with another user, role or schema synonym name, ORA-41606: rule class name already used by an existing object, ORA-39235: data remap string has already been specified. Therefore, this destination failed. document.getElementById('attach_tblheader').style.display=''; Get complete coverage of all objectives for exam 1Z0-047. Cause:The database required recovery, and therefore could not be opened for read-only access by this instance. = Cause:The standby system has not received notification that the primary system log stream has been terminated. response = (new Function('', 'return ' + response))(); . Not only that, Data Guard was aware of it when querying the v$archived_log. Cause:The Remote File Server (RFS) process at the specified redo transport destination experienced an unrecoverable error and was unable to receive further redo data. appendscript(JSPATH + 'forum_post.js?' This may have various causes. Cause:An attempt was made to change the LOG_ARCHIVE_MIN_SUCCEED_DEST parameter when there are no archive log destinations. Action:No action is necessary. SWFUploaddiv.setAttribute('class', 'progressWrapper'); Action:Look in the trace file for more information. Therefore, the destination has been made inaccessible to future archival operations. Action:Convert the backup control file into a current control file prior to attempting a switchover operation. Cause:The value for the specified LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n (n = 131) parameter contained a REGISTER attribute that specified an invalid file name template string. reference. (Because , RMAN does not know about these files yet; so you must let it know by a process called cataloging). Then, reopen the database for read-only access. Duplicate information is not permitted. Take the appropriate action to solve the problem. If this message occurs often and changes are not being applied quickly, increase available SGA or the number of apply processes. Cause:An attempt was made to enable a new standby database destination when the primary database is in standby protected mode. Action:Verify that the attempted database operation is warranted, ALTER DATABASE SET STANDBY DATABASE UNPROTECTED and reissue the statement. Therefore, a control file checkpoint could not be calculated and the database could not be opened for read-only access. Cause:An archive log destination contains a dependency to another archive log destination that is not enabled for the LGWR process. This informational statement is provided to record the event for diagnostic purposes. Action:Specify the value of MAX_SGA to be less than 75% of the maximum of SHARED_POOL_SIZE, MEMORY_TARGET, and SGA_TARGET. Action:Increase the values of the initialization parameters PROCESSES and or the MAX_SERVERS parameter seen in the DBA_LOGSTDBY_PARAMETERS view. Duplicate information is not permitted. Action:No action necessary, this informational statement is provided to record user involvement in the processing of a statement. Action:Add the database unique name of the primary database or FAL server to the DG_CONFIG attribute of the LOG_ARCHIVE_CONFIG database initialization parameter. As an enhancement from 10g, an incremental backup created with BACKUP INCREMENTAL FROM SCN can be used to refresh the standby database with changes at the primary database since the last SCN at Standby and then managed recovery can resume. Action:Check the standby alert log additional information. Using the ALTER DATABASE REGISTER LOGILE statement to register the database is recommended. SQL> alter database mount standby database; Open the RMAN prompt and Catalog the backup piece. About of Database Systems and Information Technologies, Oracle 12c R2 Error Codes and Solution Suggestions from ORA-16000 to ORA-16200. Action:Use a valid destination string in the specified parameter. Also, the parameter can not be modified in such way that would cause all destinations to fail while in maximum protection mode. + Please go here for more information : Oracle Support. Cause:An attempt to change the first specified LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n (n = 131) parameter produced a destination that duplicates the session destination value of the second specified LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameter. A destination option is specified using either the LOCATION or SERVICE attrbute. Doing so will thwart the internal mechanisms to manage these cooperating destinations. After performing the recovery , exit RMAN and start managed recovery process: SQL> alter database recover managed standby database disconnect from session; Again Check the SCNs in primary and standby to make sure that both are in SYNc: oracle@standby:/log/file/location/log_file_name_n.arc, RMAN-06026: some targets not found - aborting restore. Cause:Standby wants sqlnet network integrity for redo shipment which is not configured properly at the primary. Action:This instance must be opened for read-only access, or all other instances must first be shut down and reopened for read/write access.

ALTER DATABASE ADD SUPPLEMENTAL LOG DATA (PRIMARY KEY, UNIQUE INDEX) COLUMNS; Cause:An error occurred during a Terminal Recovery of the standby. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Some messages recommend contacting Oracle Support Services to report a problem. Oracle commands, keywords, features, and functions is also included. Cause:The target archive log file was locked. Inside, you'll find in-depth Cause:A Logical Standby apply operation is already running. This transaction likely depends on another. Action:This instance must be opened for read/write access, or all other instances must first be shut down and reopened for read-only access. Cause:An attempt was made to modify a redo transport destination attribute using the ALTER SESSION command. ORA-16089: archive log has already been registered. Alternatively, you can provide a starting SCN value with this startement. Its interesting that once we tried alter database register again but now with or replace keyword, it immediately fixed this issue. pasteimage.insertAfter(progressbar, this); practice questions, and a two-minute drill to highlight what you've learned. .hide-if-no-js { At standby site, Do the log file registration at the standby site until all the missing log files are registered, Use this below command. This can happen if the physical standby database was not created from a backup of the primary database. if(response != '-1' && response!='' && response!='-2') { Action:Check DBA_LOGSTDBY_EVENTS for failures and take corrective action. You can proceed with switching the target standby database to the primary role, but you must address the errors reported at the old primary database before it can protect the new primary database. } The specified archive log may be a current log file. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Metalink Document for Troubleshooting Materialized View (MView) Create or Refresh. Get full details on the powerful features of Oracle Database 11g from this thoroughly Cause:Logical standby apply engine was started with an invalid LogMiner session identifier. Please reload CAPTCHA. Use only the LOG_ARCHIVE_CONFIG parameter. if ( notice ) }); + VERHASH); Cause:An attempt was made to archive the named file, but the file could not be archived. Action:Retry the command with either the FROM or MANAGED STANDBY DATABASE clause, but not both. exclusive Oracle Press guide. Cause:The database has been opened for read-only access by another instance, and cannot be opened for read/write access by this instance.

Action:If you were switching a primary database to the standby role, the conversion was successful, but one or more errors occurred after the conversion completed. Action:Continue standby recovery with additional log shipping from primary. }else{ Action:Issue the following commands to make this primary a standby. Cause:The process is loading dictionary information from the redo stream. The creation of the archive log exceeded the specified quota size. Action:No Action is required. For example, a destination in the ALTERNATE state was explicitly ENABLED. Action:The child archive log destination cannot be dependent on another archive log destination not archived by the LGWR. Cause:An attempt was made to change the LGWR/ARCH or SYNC/ASYNC attributes for a destination that is participating in the standby protection mode of the database. Another media recovery is not allowed. Action:Refer to the appropriate RFS trace file located at the redo transport destination for details regarding the error encountered and take corrective action. Cause:The apply process is waiting until additional changes for a large transaction are retrieved from the log stream. Action:Open the database for read/write access to create a valid control file checkpoint. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Action:Wait for the managed standby recovery session to end. Please reload CAPTCHA. Action:Specify a different destination value for the first specified LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameter. Action:Specify this command to switch the primary database to the physical standby role. Action:Diagnose and correct whatever errors exist in the configuration or configure the primary database for maximum availability or maximum performance mode. Cause:An attempt was made to change the indicated LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n or LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_STATE_n parameter (n = 131) to a value that reduces the number of archive log destinations to less than the specified LOG_ARCHIVE_MIN_SUCCEED_DEST value. Cause:Information on the given table or sequence is being loaded into an in memory cache for future use. })(120000); Optionally, check the DBA_LOGSTDBY_EVENTS view for more information including the impacted table owner and name. The restart of the primary instance was something were hesitant to do especially when without a clear description of what it will do. 2) An ALTER SYSTEM ARCHIVE LOG START TO command was in effect when a LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameter was encountered while fetching initialization parameters. Cause:An error has occurred while performing a switchover. The archival failed because there were no archive log destinations specified, or all destinations are in an error state. Database: 10g Release 2 Error code: ORA-16089 Description: archive log has already been registered Cause: An attempt was made to register an archive log that already has a corresponding thread# and sequence# entry in the standby database control file. This indicates that the file is being archived to another Remote File Server (RFS) process. Action:Replace the destination value for the specified parameter with a character string that has a length below the limit specified in the error message.

Action:No action is required, as an attempt will be made to re-archive the file that had this failure during archival. Then, reissue command. Cause:Logical standby apply engine was started but it found inconsistencies in its metadata. Cause:Logical Standby coordinator was performing a scan to identify previously applied transactions. Action:Verify that the database is the intended Logical Standby database. The hang persists even after additional disk space is made available. This seems to fit our incident because before having this issue, the disk space on the standby was filled up. i__++; Cause:An attempt was made, by an RFS process, to access a standby online log file during or after a terminal recovery. Action:Shut down the previous apply engine before starting a new one. Looking from V$MANAGED_STANDBY, it showed waiting for gap of the archived log sequence #53713. Additional log information cannot be read into memory until more transactions have been applied to the database, thus freeing up additional memory. Even trying to copy the archived file to another location and re-register with a different path did not help either. Cause:The setting for the DB_UNIQUE_NAME parameter must be exactly the same on all RAC instances so the SID=* qualifier is required. Learn how to implement the latest security measures, tune database performance, and with database objects, write PL/SQL programs, and much more. Cause:The settings for the LOG_ARCHIVE_CONFIG parameter were inconsistent with the settings of a previously started instance. . Cause:Logical Standby is currently applying changes. Action:If the database was terminated abnormally (possibly using a shutdown abort), the database first needs to be opened in read/write mode. Cause:The setting for the LOG_ARCHIVE_CONFIG parameter must be exactly the same on all RAC instances so the SID=* qualifier is required. (pasteimage.show_paste_tip(UPLOAD_CANTREAD_MESSAGE,progressbar),!1):(upload.progressbar=progressbar,upload.addEventListener("progress",pasteimage.pr_uploadProgress,!1),upload.addEventListener("load",pasteimage.pr_uploadSucceed,!1),upload.addEventListener("error",pasteimage.pr_uploadError,!1),xhr.open("POST",url),xhr.overrideMimeType("application/octet-stream"),formdata=new FormData,formdata.append("Filedata",file),xhr.send(formdata),xhr.onreadystatechange=function(){if(4==xhr.readyState&&200==xhr.status){var response=xhr.responseText;"function"==typeof callback?callback(response):eval(callback)}},void 0)},reader.readAsBinaryString(file)},pr_uploadProgress:function(a){if(a.lengthComputable){var b=Math.round(100*a.loaded/a.total);100>b&&(a.target.progressbar.firstChild.textContent=PR_UPLOAD_NOTICE+b+"%")}},pr_uploadSucceed:function(a){pasteimage.show_paste_tip(UPLOAD_SUCCEED_MESSAGE,a.target.progressbar,UPLOAD_SUCCEED_CLASS)},pr_uploadError:function(a){alert("error: "+a)}}; If the logs are not available, issue the ALTER DATABASE RECOVER MANAGED STANDBY SKIP command to ignore the standby redo log files. ORA-39052: cannot specify SKIP_CURRENT on initial. Systematically identify and eliminate database performance problems with help from Oracle There is no magic formula nor quick fix. Cause:This logical standby process is setting up to begin processing changes. Cause:After activation of a standby database following a terminal recovery (recovery of standby using current logs), recovery of a datafile from before the activation must have completed the same terminal recovery to avoid corruption. Action:Check sqlnet.ora documentation regarding how to setup network encryption and set it up identically on both primary and standby. Action: Use the V$ARCHIVED_LOG fixed view to verify the archive log information. Action:Make the appropriate changes and reissue the statement. This transaction may depend on another or other synchronization activity may delay the committing of a transaction. Action:Use the DB_UNIQUE_NAME attribute to specify the DB_UNIQUE_NAME for the destination. coverage of the very latest SQL features and tools, performance optimization techniques, Action:Re-enter the command using the SID=* qualifier. Action:Cancel media recovery to proceed with the shutdown. Cause:The process is performing its primary function and is not waiting on any significant event. 2) Parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST or LOG_ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST was in use when an attempt was made to use an ALTER SYSTEM or ALTER SESSION command to define a value for the specified LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n or DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST parameter. Action:Specify either nothing or IMMEDIATE following CANCEL. Tambien si nos esta faltando un archive. The indicated archive log cannot be applied to the database. pasteimage.uploadFile(imageFile, progressbar, 'plugin.php?id=pasteremote:upload&type='+imageFile.type +'&fid=4&isattach=1&hash=f444ec6cb9b01a0f68e768c341a3ea12', function(response){ Action:Replace any LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST and LOG_ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST parameters with LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n (n = 131) parameters. Use the ALTER SYSTEM command to change the parent archive log to specify the LGWR process. Cause:The database is operating in manual archiving mode. Cause:The value for the indicated LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n (n = 131) parameter failed to include a destination option. Action:Add the database unique name of the standby database to the DG_CONFIG attribute of the LOG_ARCHIVE_CONFIG database initialization parameter. Cause:No standby database archive log destinations were specified. Argentina | juanmercadoit.com. Cause:The managed standby database recovery operation has been canceled per user specified EXPIRE option of the RECOVER MANAGED STANDBY DATABASE statement. Database: 12c Release 1 Error code: ORA-16089 Description: archive log has already been registered Cause: An attempt was made to register an archive log that already has a corresponding thread# and sequence# entry in the standby database control file. Fortunately, while looking into other options, weve found this blog from Andy. Cause:Supplemental logging is not enabled at the primary database. Managed recovery is not required. To activate the standby without recovering the online logs, issue the following command: ALTER DATABASE ACTIVATE STANDBY DATABASE SKIP STANDBY LOGFILE. Action:Issue one of the following commands to make this standby a primary or resume applying changes from a new primary. Action: Use the V$ARCHIVED_LOG fixed view to verify the archive log information. Cause:An attempt was made to change parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST to NULL when parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST is non-NULL. Cause:A timeout was incurred during remote archival. Wait a short time before retrying the command to allow the primary some time to generate the necessary information. Cause:A large transaction is being applied before the commit has been seen. configure storage devices, execute effective queries, and develop bug-free SQL and PL/SQL code. Cause:An internal error was encountered on the internal channel between LGWR and Network Server. var imageFile = item.getAsFile(); Restart primary and/or standby after ensuring that password file is accessible and REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE initialization parameter is set to SHARED or EXCLUSIVE. SQL>SQL> alter database register logfile 'd:oracleARC00043_0660047105.001'; SQL> alter database register logfile 'd:oracleARC00044_0660047105.001';alter database register logfile 'd:oracleARC00044_0660047105.001'*ERROR at line 1:ORA-16089: archive log has already been registered, THREAD# LOW_SEQUENCE# HIGH_SEQUENCE#---------- ------------- -------------- 1 45 46, SQL>SQL>SQL> alter database register physical logfile 'd:oracleARC00048_0660047105.001';alter database register physical logfile 'd:oracleARC00048_0660047105.001'*ERROR at line 1:ORA-16089: archive log has already been registered. Use the ALTER SYSTEM command to remove one of the dependency attributes. pasteimage.show_paste_tip(UPLOAD_ANT_UPLOAD_MESSAGE, progressbar); This is easy process if you have missing or corrupt logs in lesser number. Action:Slightly modify one of the DB_UNIQUE_NAMEs so it hashes to a different value. This informational statement is provided to record the event for diagnostic purposes. 4 Action:Check the standby alert log and RFS trace files for more information. See the alert log for more information. Action:Locate the appropriate archive log for the database. An active Remote File Server (RFS) process implies connectivity with the primary database which may indicate that a Terminal Incomplete Recovery operation is not warrented. 4) An ALTER SYSTEM ARCHIVE LOG START TO command was in effect when an attempt was made to use an ALTER SYSTEM or ALTER SESSION command to define a value for the specified LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameter. Cuando trabajamos con un sitio de contingencia, tenemos que estar atentos a que en el site donde radica la base stanby se esten aplicando los logs. Action:First, open the database for read/write access. Cause:An archive log was attempted to be created in a destination with a specified maximum quota size.