is lavender and chamomile safe for cats

Your email address will not be published. Cats are wired very differently from humans so what may be safe for you may impact your cat in a totally different way. medical practice, business, club, private residence Heart & Soul Blend Most important to know, is, that essential oils are highly concentrated and contain phenols and other phenolic substances that are considered toxic to cats. While some oils are insect repellent and smell wonderful, there is a high risk of serious or fatal reactions in your cat. I had 2 diffusers and two or three rolling ball bottles with a combination of 3 types of essential oils and the bottles themselves that I would use a drop or two for health or cleaning several times a day. If youre going to use essential oils around cats, make sure they have a scent-free place to go. Kittens, elderly cats, and cats suffering from liver or respiratory problems should avoid rooms with essential oil diffusers. please tell me if BAY LAUREL oil is bad for cats Thanks Mary. ), or use a room your cat never spends time in. Keep your essential oils out of your cats reach. There are too many conflicting reports on essential oils that are safe and others that are fatal for cats that I threw all of mine out. Ive been using oils for a couple of years and have 2 cats & 1 dog but 1 of our cats has an autoimmune disease of the skin. So, is lavender safe for cats? 2010-2022 Wow Media Products, Inc doing business as PureWow. In addition, make sure to keep the skin that you applied an essential oil to covered (long pants, long sleeved shirt, etc.) We advise not leaving lavender sprigs, just waiting to be snacked on, throughout your home. If your cat inadvertently consumes oils, take him or her to the veterinarian as soon as possible. If you notice any of these symptoms, take your cat outside immediately and to a veterinary emergency center if the symptoms do not improve quickly. Any essential oil, especially if used incorrectly or in excess, can be harmful to cats health. Less Fear & Worry Blend Always highly diluted, my cat is fine with it. Surely certain essential oils arent good for our feline friends, but I believe they are smart enough to leave the vicinity should something be bothering them. Obviously, if your cat eats lavender, she can get sick. Please dont be fooled, only because a bottle says 100% pure it can still contain all the harmful elements mentioned above. A cats liver is different, as it lacks the P450 cytochrome metabolic pathway. Please share a link to this web page with other cat lovers to keep our beautiful felines safe! Simba, Snowball and Oreo: Peppermint oil has been found to be toxic to cats as it contains both oxygenated compounds called ketones and phenols. Apply a drop under the soles of your feet in the morning and put on socks/shoes immediately. The first question that always comes to mind when using essential oils on cats is in regards to the safety of using them on your pet. If your cats ingest these substances, their intestines and liver dont have the necessary enzymes capable of eliminating, absorbing, or even digesting the oils leading to various health complications in the animal. I feel better about reading your article since you are training in aromatherapy. Learn how to use these essential oils in a safe and responsible manner that does not negatively impact your cats health. chamomile aromatherapy Yes, chamomile essential oil is toxic to cats as cats lack the enzyme needed to break down the essential oil which can lead to liver disease. My cats are all cuddlers and like being around my head. To extract plants, they are distilled or cold-pressed. Your email address will not be published. Also, because chamomileoil is toxic to cats, it should never be given to them. Common scenarios reveal essential oils to cause toxicity in cats, and that is something that you should watch out for. To learn about which questions to ask and how to determine whether your essential oils are of therapeutic, medicinal grade read this article on essential oil quality. In conclusion, essential oils generate various effects on your pet, but the general conception is that, as long as you only choose oils acceptable to cats, and these oils are kept in concentrations and levels which are low to moderate only, chances are your cat will be safe from any possibility of toxicity. Be sure to stick to essential oils made from plants that arent toxic to felines. Despite the lack of scientific evidence that consuming chamomile in foods or beverages has any health benefits, chamomile is well-known for its traditional use in a variety of applications. It also provides important tips regarding precautions you can take with essential oils that may be potentially toxic to your cat but would benefit your own health. I was hoping for an answer to this question but didnt find it. Peppermint is VERY toxic to cats and so is Lemongrass! Is It Safe To Use Chamomile Essential Oil On Cats? From Canadian Veterinary Medical Assn: This list has been pooled from various sources and is not exhaustive (and it is not presented in any order of toxicity): Bergamot (Citrus bergamia; Citrus Aurantium) Bitter almond (Peumus boldus) Calamus essential oil (Acorus calamus) Cinnamon Clary Sage Clove (Syzgium aromaticum) Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus spp.) Keep your essential oils locked away and out of reach. Lavender ~ Spike Lavender ~ Lavandin what's the difference and why does it matter? Even natural and 100% pure essential oils need to be diluted before using them on felines. The form, dosage, and route of administration of the essential oil are all important factors to consider. Treating a cat suffering from lavender poisoning totally depends on how much said cat ingested (or absorbed) and which symptoms are presenting themselves. Use a carrier oil that you know is safe for cats, and seek professional advice if you have any questions. Essential oils are not regulated by the FDA like some medications are. An Integrated, Holistic Approach to Pet Health Care in Des Moines and surrounding areas, Periodontal disease is the most common disease in dogs and cats. What are the symptoms that would indicate that essential oils have poisoned your cat? This quick absorption applies to humans and animals. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Hello and welcome to Essential Oil Haven! However, in general and summarized, these symptoms include: Consult your veterinary doctor immediately if you notice any of these signs; they are suggestive of essential oil poisoning. If you diffuse oils in your home, it should not cause a problem for your cat, as oil used in a diffuser is highly diluted (versus direct topical application or dietary supplementation). Chamomile oil for cats should be diluted with 9 parts carrier oil and 1 part chamomile oil. Those essential oils can contain many unnatural, harmful elements. Ask us questions in the comments section if you have any. Even if they are extracted from plant materials, they can contain chemicals from solvent extraction, pesticides, heavy metals, microbes, mold spores, fillers, and other unhealthy or unnatural components. So, is chamomile essential oil safe for cats? Its a fairly well written piece, but misses the mark when talking about some of the hazards to our cats. And maybe dont place the diffuser directly next to her or within her reach. If your cat is healthy and well, and has a way out of the room youre in with your tea tree oil applied, you should be ok. Finally, lots of sneezing or wheezing could be a sign shes ingested lavender. Cats are the only animal that do NOT produce a liver enzyme glucuronyl transferase that is responsible for breaking down, metabolizing and eliminating these toxic compounds found in many essential oils from a cats system. These all contain greater than 8% phenols. All rights reserved. Cats should be kept out of rooms with high essential oil concentrations. Hi Christina, thank you for your question! I have to distinguish here, that there is a difference between using essential oils topically on your cat, vs. diffusing them around your home for your own well-being and/or that of your feline friend. If your pet cat has a serious medical problem and you deem essential oils to be useful, it is necessary for you to check with a veterinarian first as they may know better and may even recommend professionally blended oils that you can use. Since we know cats are highly sensitive to chemicals and artificial ingredients, it could be that the toxins in inferior oils are the real culprits when cat owners have had bad experiences even with essential oils from the SAFE list (see below). Knowing the basics about the potential effects of essential oils to your cat is vital. Poisoning will be more rapid and severe if your cat ingests, inhales, or comes into contact with concentrated essential oils. Thank you for your article Emma. Cats should not be applied or fed essential oils and oils should not be left in areas where they may come into contact with them.

You might want to think twice about using an oil diffuser if you have kittens or curious cats. Can I use tea tree oil shampoo on my hair? However, it does mean that certain precautions will need to be taken to ensure your cat is not exposed to the essential oil. Touch your eyes, nose, mouth, and paws as little as possible. Your cats sense of smell is indeed exceptional. Keep your cat out of the room if youre going to spray chamomileoil in it, and dont let it back in until the scent has faded. If cats are part of your family and you like using essential oils to support your familys health, please read this article as it introduces you to the safe use of essential oils with and around your cats.

I see that citrus oils are a no-go around cats. Many essential oils, including chamomile oil, have the potential to be toxic to cats. This post contains affiliate links, which means if you make a purchase through these links, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. For those of you who love to enhance flavor and therapeutic value of your dishes with essential oils, it is important to put away or clean these dishes immediately after use. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Dont use citrus, or anything that is on the no list. NAHA Certified Professional Aromatherapist. In general, the essential oils you should AVOID using with your cat include oils that are high in salicylates or phenols, such as: A few common essential oils that are SAFE to use for your cat include lavender, copaiba, helichrysum, and frankincense. Use them sparingly to protect your cats environment. If you want to inhale an essential oil that is potentially toxic to your cat but would be beneficial to support your respiratory system for instance (Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Clove, Melaleuca), try to diffuse in your car using an ultrasonic USB diffuser, at work, use a personal inhaler (making essential oil inhalers is a great way of enjoying the aromatic benefits of essential oils without diffusing it. The symptoms of lavender poisoning are pretty much in line with what youd expect with any kind of toxin: vomiting, lethargy, diarrhea and refusal to eat. So be cautious and wash your hands well after using essential oils. You must wash your hands before petting her. However, you should never leave your cat confined to a space where oils are being diffused. Examples of essential oils containing higher amounts of Alpha-pinene Cypress, Cistus, Pine, Douglas fir, Juniper, Myrtle, Rosemary Verbenon, Silver Fir, Angelica, Nutmeg, Eucalyptus, Dill, Spruce. Oh my god. How would I dilute them to make them non toxic? rinse soothing This article is a complete guide for cat owners to understand how to ensure the safety of their pets because essential oils are becoming an invaluable commodity in our homes. Make sure your cat doesnt eat leftover food that was prepared with essential oils. Why Does My Cat Try to Bury Her Food? Can Cats Eat Peanuts? I generally use the safety considerations for use of essential oils with babies.

The good news is that it usually isnt lethal and can be treated effectively. by appointment only, Medical Disclaimer: The statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the FDA. We humans love lavender so much that chances are you have more than one form in your homeand certain forms of the plant are more dangerous to your cat than others. I had read that all essential oils could cause liver damage to cats so I stopped diffusing them around my house. Heres what you should know about any household lavender if you have a four-legged feline living with you. The greater the risk to the cat, the higher the concentration of essential oil. Dilution or diffusion of essential oils is still recommended. Even so, what your nose considers a pleasant odor may be too much for your cat. For proper dilution, most pet-friendly oils require at least 1 drop of pure chamomileessential oil to 50 drops of pure carrier oil. Because cats lack an essential enzyme in their liver, they have a hard time metabolizing and eliminating toxins like essential oils. How to keep the cat away from chamomile oil?

Whether applied to the skin or used in diffusers, these are toxic. Your cat has an exceptional sense of smell. Do you still have any queries related to cats or want to share some experience with your feline friend, why don't you join us on Facebook with other cat lovers? Just because an essential oil is on the caution list does not mean that you can never one of those essential oils in your home to support your own health. The problem is, its often hard to tell when a cat is going through this stuff, mostly because they like to keep this kind of internal distress a secret. Select essential oils from the Safe list whenever possible to support the health and wellness of your family, including your cat.

This will prevent you from accidentally using a product that could harm your four-legged companion. read this article on essential oil quality. Even the most gentle essential oils can irritate the airways when inhaled. Personal Empowerment Blend, On Location It could be fatal if they ingest the oil, and diffusing or using it in any other way around them could also make them sick. I dont diffuse essential oils, nor do I apply them to my cat, EVER! Bummer, right? Example of essential oils containing higher amounts of D-Limonene Grapefruit, Bitter Orange, Orange, Tangerine, Mandarin, Lemon, Celery Seed, Lime, Bergamot, Angelica, Dill, Neroli, Blue Tansy, Citronella and Nutmeg. Using chamomile oil in your home or near your cat will bring this to light. Whether a cat will like the smell of chamomile essential oil or not is completely dependent upon each individual cat and its personality.

Same rule goes for young children. Terms of Service.

In fact, lavender essential oil is perhaps even worse for a cat than the plain plant. which means a 0.5% dilution ratio. A variety of ways you maybe already are incorporating essential oils into your daily life, include herbal remedies, aromatherapy, liquid potpourri, body care products, and natural home cleaning products. The brand of essential oils we recommend using is Young Living, as we know that these are high-quality pure oils that are very safe to use for yourself and your pets. Emerging research has begun to shed light on other potential benefits, such as its ability to aid in the treatment of depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders. Also, Roman chamomile is not considered safe, and Valerian is not considered relaxing to cats but quite the opposite. Because its possible that your cat will come into physical contact with you and lick the oil on your skin. Cats lick themselves for cleansing purposes. The most common technique to receive the benefits of aromatherapy on cats though, is through diffusing essential oils through a diffuser. Unfortunately for cats, lavender is toxic. Why Is My Cat Not Eating After Giving Birth. No, it is not safe to use chamomile essential oil on cats. European Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium) Geranium oil (Pelargonium sp.) This gorgeous plant with bright purple blossoms covers the south of France and smells like actual floral heaven, but is a big no-no for felines, especially in essential oil form. What are the things to keep in mind while using chamomile essential oil around cats?

Another way to dilute your oils is to add 3-5 drops of essential oil in a spray bottle filled with water (can be halfway or less), shake the sprayer then finally, spray gently on your cat. Always consult your veterinarian before using chamomileessential oiltopically on your cat. As a result, keep your chamomileoil in a high, out-of-the-way cabinet out of reach of your cat. As long as your cat has a way to escape the room, I wouldnt worry about him or her in the same room. Its not just the application of oils directly, but the also some of the home diffuser and cleaning products that can pose risks. Click here for more information about topical use of essential oils. They can also build upon the fur, causing your cat to ingest them while licking and cleaning. Check All The Probable Reasons! Cats have stronger senses than humans and their nose is way more sensitive than ours, so its definitely possible that scents you might find calming and wonderful, can be extremely strong and overwhelming for your cat. Check to see if your cat is purring and moving around near the diffuser. While it is true that there are some essential oils that cats could tolerate and in fact help fight several health conditions, some oils likewise affect cats by showing signs of toxicity, leading you to the veterinarian most of the time. If you love your cat I would say better safe than sorry. Better to be safe than sorry. How to Use Essential Oils around Your Cat (Quick Guide), Toxicity and Danger Symptoms of Essential Oils to Cats, Things to be Wary Of When Using Oils on Cats, How To Diffuse Essential Oils In Your Home, Essential Oils for Mindfulness and Gratitude, Best 7 Essential Oils for Cuts, Scrapes and Wounds . Most recipes for the diffuser only use a few drops, but what would be a safe amount? Keep your essential oils out of your cats reach,,, Here are some tips that can be very helpful [], As a NAHA Certified Professional Aromatherapist, my specialty is creating personalized essential oil products. Even if your essential oils are sealed tightly, there will be residual oil on the bottle that your cat could lick off or get on its fur. I would like to buy scented pet odor neutralizing soy candles with essential oil fragrances and no paraffin or petroleum sources. Essential Oils that may be used with cats with CAUTION and only by a holistic veterinarian or certified aromatherapist: Black Pepper, Cardamon, Carrot Seed, Celery Seed, Cinnamon Bark, Citronella, Clove, Galbanum, Ginger, Juniper, Palmarosa, Petitgrain, and Western Red Cedar. According to the Pet Poison Helpline, the problem for felines is that their livers dont have the enzyme necessary to metabolize the essential oil (humans do). This means you shouldnt put it on your cats legs or paws, where it could be licked. cats calming sentry collar count